Priznanje za izuzetan doprinos nauci / Recognition for outstanding contribution to science

(english version below)

Fond za nauku Republike Srbije obeležio je pet godina od osnivanja svečanom ceremonijom dodele priznanja istraživačima za izuzetan doprinos nauci kroz projekte Fonda za nauku. Ova prestižna priznanja dodeljena su po prvi put. Među dobitnicima priznanja je i dr Marko Stalevski, rukovodilac projekta BOWIE, u kategoriji za istaknute naučne rezultate iz prirodnih nauka.

Tim projekta BOWIE izučavao je tzv. vetrove prašine u okolini supermasivnih crnih rupa u središtima galaksija. Istraživači sa Astronomske opservatorije ustanovili su postojanje takvih vetrova u obližnjim galaksijama poredeći posmatranja sa teleskopa VLT u pustinji Atakama na severu Čilea sa slikama numeričkih računarskih simulacija, a svoje rezultate objavili su u više radova u vrhunskim međunarodnim časopisima.

Zvanicama na događaju obratili su se v.d. direktora Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije dr Milica Đurić-Jovičić, zamenica šefa Delegacije Evropske unije u Srbiji Plamena Halačeva, direktor kancelarije Svetske banke u Srbiji Nikola Pontara i ministarka nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija dr Jelena Begović. V.d. direktora Fonda za nauku RS dr Milica Đurić-Jovičić je tokom svečanosti istakla da je veoma ponosna na postignute rezultate.


English version:

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia marked five years since its establishment with a solemn awarding ceremony to researchers for their outstanding contribution to science through the Science Fund’s projects. These prestigious awards were given for the first time. Marko Stalevski, Ph.D., head of the BOWIE project, is among the winners of the award, in the category for outstanding scientific results in the natural sciences.

The BOWIE project team studied the so-called dust winds in the vicinity of supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. Researchers from the Astronomical Observatory established the existence of such winds in nearby galaxies by comparing observations from the VLT telescope in the Atacama desert in northern Chile with images from numerical computer simulations, and published their results in several papers in top international journals.

The guests at the event were addressed by acting the director of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Dr. Milica Đurić-Jovicic, the deputy head of the European Union Delegation in Serbia, Plamena Halačeva, the director of the World Bank office in Serbia, Nikola Pontara, and the Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Dr. Jelena Begović. Acting Director of the Science Fund of the RS, Dr. Milica Đurić-Jovicič, said during the ceremony that she was very proud of the results achieved.
